NFL PLAY 60 Exercise Library


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Arizona Cardinals Big Red Muscle Warm-up(link opens in new window) 大红和亚利桑那红雀队的啦啦队, Darby and Stephanie, show how to warm-up your muscles.
Atlanta Falcons Fitness with Freddie(link opens in new window) 和亚特兰大猎鹰队的弗雷迪一起热身,让你的心脏跳动起来.
Atlanta Falcons Forward Lunge(link opens in new window) Cheerleaders Lauren, Ben, 和汉娜展示他们最喜欢的健身动作-亚特兰大猎鹰向前弓步!
Baltimore Ravens Slam Balls with Poe(link opens in new window) 乌鸦的吉祥物,坡,演示了用你家里的东西做扣球练习的方法.
Buffalo Bills Backyard Bootcamp(link opens in new window) Bills Legends, Lorenzo Alexander and Naaman Roosevelt, 与比利·布法罗合作,向你展示如何在后院活跃起来.
Carolina Panthers Action Break(link opens in new window) Jeremy Chinn, Safety for the Carolina Panthers, gets moving by running in place, doing jumping jacks, and more.
Carolina Panthers Sir Purr Action Medley(link opens in new window) 卡罗莱纳黑豹队的吉祥物,呼噜爵士,和教练Lea队为呼噜爵士行动混合泳.
Chicago Bears Agility Ladder(link opens in new window) Chicago Bears Monster Squad members, Jacki, Jamie, 和特伦斯示范练习与敏捷的梯子.
辛辛那提孟加拉虎蹲弯和风车(link opens in new window) 从辛辛那提孟加拉队的跑背中学习两种增加心率的固定运动, Chris Evans.
Cleveland Browns Sit-ups with Chomps(link opens in new window) 克利夫兰布朗队的吉祥物Chomps展示了如何通过仰卧起坐来移动更多.
Dallas Cowboys Arm Circles and Crosses(link opens in new window)
Dallas Cowboys Cornerback, Anthony Brown, and Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, Maddie, 通过手臂运动来展示更多的运动方式.
Dallas Cowboys Push-ups and Sit-ups(link opens in new window)
达拉斯牛仔队防守端山姆·威廉姆斯示范俯卧撑, while Tyler Smith, Offensive Tackle, shows sit-ups!
Denver Broncos Cheer Dance(link opens in new window)
Detroit Lions Squat Jumps(link opens in new window)
Roary, the Detroit Lions team mascot, 演示他最喜欢的让他的心脏和肌肉跳动的方式-深蹲跳!
Green Bay Packers Heart Rate Boosters(link opens in new window)
绿湾包装工高膝,卡拉ok和深蹲(link opens in new window)
Houston Texans Toro Touchdown Drills(link opens in new window)
Houston Texans mascot Toro, along with super fans Annelise and Emmeline, 向您展示如何移动更多与托罗达阵演练.
Jacksonville Jaguars Jumping Jacks(link opens in new window) Jacksonville Jaguars cheerleader, Alyvia, along with mascot, Jaxson de Ville, show the proper way to do a jumping jack.
Jacksonville Jaguars Lunges(link opens in new window) 杰克逊维尔咆哮队的啦啦队队员阿利维亚和阿利安娜展示了她们最喜欢的运动——弓步.
堪萨斯城酋长锦标赛平板支撑挑战赛(link opens in new window) 前安全队长和特别小组队长, Jon McGraw, demonstrates how to plank like a champion.
Indianapolis Colts Word Workout(link opens in new window) 印第安纳波利斯小马队的拉拉队队长麦迪逊展示了一种锻炼身体的方法.
Los Angeles Chargers Heart Rate Charge Up(link opens in new window)
Los Angeles Rams Full-Body Workout(link opens in new window) 夏安,洛杉矶公羊队的啦啦队长,演示全身锻炼.
Las Vegas Raiders Supersets(link opens in new window) 麦肯齐,快去买拉斯维加斯Raiderette的Supersets吧.
Miami Dolphins Seal Jacks(link opens in new window) Miami Dolphins cheerleader, Yelina, 示范如何改变跳跃动作和移动更多与海豹千斤顶.
Minnesota Vikings Air Squat(link opens in new window) Harrison Phillips, Defensive Tackle for the Minnesota Vikings, teaches Victor, team mascot, how to do air squats!
Minnesota Vikings Plank to Pushup(link opens in new window) 跟随明尼苏达维京队的啦啦队, Syndey and Andrea, 向你展示如何用平板支撑做更多的俯卧撑练习.
New England Patriot Planks(link opens in new window) Plank it out with Victoria and Kayla, New England Patriots Cheerleaders, 因为他们向我们展示了如何加强我们的核心,并朝着每天60分钟的运动方向努力.
New Orleans Saints Squats(link opens in new window) 秋葵,圣爵士和圣徒,奥斯汀,示范圣徒蹲.
纽约巨人队胸部和三角俯卧撑(link opens in new window) 和鲍比·奥克雷奇一起锻炼手臂肌肉, New York Giants Linebacker, through chest and triangle push-ups!
New York Giants Fast Feet(link opens in new window) 朱利安·洛夫,纽约巨人队的安全,展示了一些快速的步法.
费城老鹰高膝盖,手臂圈,和脚趾敲(link opens in new window) Work out with Marissa, Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader, through high knees, arm circles, and toe taps!
Pittsburgh Steelers Jump Squats(link opens in new window) 亚历克斯·海史密斯,匹兹堡钢人队的后卫,积极做深蹲跳.
Pittsburgh Steelers' Steel City Sit-Ups(link opens in new window) 匹兹堡钢人队前后卫,亚瑟·莫茨示范如何做钢铁城仰卧起坐.
San Francisco 49ers Sourdough Sam Squats(link opens in new window)
Seattle Seahawks Squats and Lunges(link opens in new window)
Cameron and Geena, Seattle Seahawks Dancers, as well as Blitz, team mascot, demonstrate how to do squats and lunges.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers Burpees(link opens in new window)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers mascot, Captain Fear and Bucs super fan, Wyatt, demonstrate the Buccaneers Burpee.
田纳西巨人空气深蹲,开合跳,和反向弓步(link opens in new window)
Brenan, Courtney, 田纳西泰坦啦啦队的T-Rac在做深蹲健身, jumping jacks, and reverse lunges!
Tennessee Titans Super Squats(link opens in new window)
Washington Commanders Cheer Dance(link opens in new window)
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