Prevention and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism


How can venous thromboembolism (静脉血栓栓塞) be prevented?

要积极主动. 要求进行风险评估 静脉血栓栓塞 if you are admitted to the hospital or are having surgery. Learn to recognize the warning signs of a dangerous blood clot and speak up if anything concerns you.

静脉血栓栓塞s often are preventable, with strategies that stop the development of clots in people "有危险的." Health care professionals determine risk by gathering information about a person’ age, 重量, 病史, 药物和生活方式因素.

那些有风险的人可以服用抗凝血剂, 或血液稀释, medications or use mechanical devices such as compression stockings or compression devices. Getting out of bed quickly after surgery is also advised if possible.


  • 继续前进. Move around when you are able to or as encouraged by your health care professional.
  • 考虑压缩. Use graduated compression stockings or massaging compression devices if recommended by your health care professional.
  • 服用处方药物. If you have a high risk of a blood clot and a low risk of bleeding, 低剂量, “血液稀释”药物可能会有所帮助.


  • 做简单的练习. Flex and extend the ankles and knees and contract the calf muscles at regular intervals.
  • 四处走动. Get up and walk while traveling every hour.
  • 考虑压缩. Wear compression socks during your travel.
  • 改变的位置 while seated and avoid crossing your legs.
  • 避免饮酒,用水补充水分.


静脉血栓栓塞 includes deep vein thrombosis (DVT), when a blood clot forms in a deep vein, usually in the leg. And it includes pulmonary embolism (PE), when the clot breaks off and travels from the leg up to the lungs.

DVT and PE are serious, life-threatening conditions that require immediate medical attention. Early diagnosis and treatment can often lead to recovery, but long-term complications may occur.

Treatment usually includes blood-thinning medication to keep clots from continuing to form, and sometimes strong clot busters to actually break up clots. 选项包括:

  • 抗凝血剂, including injectables such as heparin or low molecular 重量 heparin, 或者阿哌沙班之类的药片, betrixaban, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, edoxaban and warfarin (also called direct-acting oral anticoagulants or DOACs). These medications are used for a number of months. If the 静脉血栓栓塞 occurred after a provoking factor like surgery, 创伤, 怀孕, hospital stay or with use of hormone treatments, this is usually given for a number of months. For patients without these factors, treatment can be recommended for longer periods.
  • 溶栓治疗, which includes drugs such as a tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), a clot-dissolving enzyme may be used in some cases. This can be given through an arm vein or by inserting catheters directly into the blood clot in the vein or lung. 溶栓治疗 is generally used for people with PE presenting with low blood pressure or in severe cases of DVT.

也可以使用外科手术. 血栓切除手术, a procedure for removing a large blood clot from the vein or injecting clot-busting medicines into the vein or lung artery, 可以执行. 在极少数情况下, surgery may involve placing a filter in the body's largest vein, 下腔静脉, to prevent blood clots from traveling to the lungs. Anticoagulant therapy generally will be the first line of treatment with thrombolytic or surgery occurring in rare instances. 


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