Underst和ing Extreme Obesity 和 What You Can Do


Too much weight can take a toll on your body, especially your heart. The good news is that there are steps you can take to get healthier — 和 even losing a little body weight can start you on the right path.  


更少的风险 心脏病,更少 糖尿病 和癌症. Metabolic improvements start to occur when people with extreme obesity lose about 10% of their body weight.  

Losing weight can reduce your risk of 心脏病 和 stroke as well as risk factors such as 高血压, 葡萄糖(血糖)和睡眠呼吸暂停. 它还可以帮助降低你的总胆固醇, triglycerides 和 raise “good” cholesterol — also known as HDL.


健康的体重指数范围是18.5 ~ 25kg /m2. If your BMI is 40 or higher, you are considered extremely obese (or morbidly obese.) BMI in children is determined using a different 来自疾病控制中心的BMI计算器.

A woman is extremely obese if she’s 5 feet, 4 inches tall 和 weighs 235 pounds, making her BMI 40.3公斤/米2. 达到健康的体重指数24.8, she would have to lose 90 pounds to reach a weight of 145 pounds.

A man is extremely obese if he’s 6 feet, 2 inches tall 和 weighs 315 pounds, making his BMI 40.4公斤/米2. 达到健康的体重指数25.0, he would need to lose 120 pounds to reach a weight of 195 pounds.  

Health care professionals use BMI to define severe obesity rather than a certain number of pounds or a set weight limit, 因为BMI将体重和身高联系起来.


如果你极度肥胖, taking action to lose weight 和 improve your health may seem overwhelming. You may have had trouble losing weight or maintaining your weight loss, been diagnosed with medical problems 和 endured the social stigma of obesity.

如果你极度肥胖, 你应该变得更积极, but do not to start a vigorous workout program without getting physician advice. You should also wait until you’ve lost about 10% of your body weight.

You can continue the level of 体育活动 that you’re already doing but check with your health care professional before increasing it. Some people with extreme obesity may have health issues such as arthritis or 心脏病 that could limit or even be worsened by exercise. 


Talk to your doctor about the health benefits 和 the risks of treatment options for extreme obesity:

  1. 改变饮食习惯. You may be referred to a dietician who can help you with a plan to lose one to two pounds per week. To lose weight, you have to reduce the number of calories you consume. 首先 记录你吃的每样东西.

    You need to reduce your calories by 500 calories per day to lose about a one pound a week or cut 1,000 calories a day to lose about two pounds a week. 

  2. 考虑添加 体育活动 after reaching a minimum of a 10% weight-loss goal.  

  3. 药物治疗.  Some people can benefit from medication to help with weight loss for extreme obesity. Keep in mind that medication can be expensive 和 have side effects.

  4. 手术.  如果改变你的饮食, getting more 体育活动 和 taking medication haven’t helped you lose enough weight, bariatric or “metabolic” surgery may be an option. The 美国心脏协会 recommends surgery for those who are healthy enough for the procedure 和 have been unsuccessful with lifestyle changes 和 medication. Risks can include infections 和 potentially dangerous blood clots soon after the operation. There also are concerns about getting the right amount of vitamins 和 minerals long-term.


Although some people can modify their lifestyle 和 lose weight on their own, many need extra help. A social support system can help encourage your progress 和 keep you on track. Decide what support best fits your needs — either a weight-loss support group or one-on-one therapy.

Some people with extreme obesity suffer from depression. Talk to your health care professional about the best treatment, as some anti-depressant medications can cause weight gain.





